This time of year, magazines are bursting with ideas for the "perfect" Christmas lunch. While these glossy spreads might be inspiring, they’re often unrealistic for many families. So we have created a simple plan to help you get the most from the big meal on the big day!
1. Design a Menu That Works for Your Family
There’s no rulebook for Christmas dinner. Whether it’s chicken nuggets and chips or a traditional roast with all the trimmings, the most important thing is serving food your child enjoys. Flexibility is key—there’s no need to adhere to anyone else’s idea of what Christmas dinner should look like.
2. Choose a Comfortable Location
Ensure your child can eat in an environment that feels safe and manageable for them. This might mean setting up a separate, quieter space or seating them at the family table in a spot that minimizes sensory overload. Prioritise their comfort over tradition. Remember, creating your own traditions is just as important.
3. Keep Decorations and Ambiance Simple
If your child is happy to join the family at the dining table, keep the décor minimal if it can be too much for them. A cluttered table can be overwhelming, so aim for a clean and simple setup. Be mindful with background music—festive tunes may feel cheerful to you, but they could quickly become overstimulating. Opt for silence or quieter alternatives if needed.
4. Ditch Unrealistic Expectations
Forget trying to impress your guests or aiming for a picture-perfect table. It doesn’t matter how many handmade decorations you’ve crafted or whether the meal is Insta-worthy. What matters most is creating an environment where your child feels happy and at ease.
This Christmas, focus on making the meal a celebration of your family’s needs and preferences—not anyone else’s. A stress-free, inclusive approach can help everyone enjoy the day, even if it looks a little different from the norm.
Here’s to a Christmas lunch that works for you!
