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Welcome to the Autability blog where you can read all about the latest autism/ADHD themed issues on our minds! Check out our huge range of topics, ranging from a quick read to our longer more thought provoking articles. You can stay up to date and recieve a notification each time a new blog is published by filling in the subscriber form below.

May 14, 2024
The importance of recognition in helping mental health
It's mental health awareness week! There are many reasons why recognising achievement improves mental health. • It boosts self-esteem and...

Apr 18, 2024
The term of transitions
We talk about the difficulties of transitions for autistic children a lot. Whilst it might appear to be something that we over mention, I...

Mar 27, 2024
It's not always the loudest who are struggling the most.
One of the biggest misconceptions about children with ADHD and Autism is that they will be loud if they are distressed, or in a situation...

Mar 13, 2024
Awareness of autism isn't enough without understanding it...
Society is now far more aware of autism. The other day I heard a parent talking to a child in a shop. They were encouraging the child to...

Mar 6, 2024
Why managing something once doesn't mean you can always manage it.
A mistake I see time and time again when supporting children with ADHD, is the assumption that because they have managed a task without...

Feb 27, 2024
Why communication isn't just about talking
One of the diagnostic criteria for autism is a defecit in communication. This is of course not only the ability to communicate, but also...

Feb 20, 2024
Why can autistic students find exams hard?
There are a few reasons why autistic people may find exams hard. Firstly, understanding what the question is asking can be tough....

Feb 13, 2024
Why, "Autistic people can't lie" is a myth.
Many people think that being unable to lie is a common trait in autistic individuals. Some autistic people might struggle with certain...

Jan 29, 2024
The problem with taking things at face value.
Taking things at face value is something that we all do everyday. We do it without question, probably even unaware that we are doing it....

Nov 13, 2023
When clear communication isn't as clear as you think
We often talk about the need for clear communication for autistic people. However, it is something that can be a massive challenge for...

Nov 6, 2023
Why it's not always hard to make events accessible for autistic people
People often worry about how expensive or difficult it can be to make an event or performance accessible for autistic people. Yet most of...

Nov 1, 2023
How to help a child learn to cope with waiting.
Life is fast. We live in a culture which expects things to be done instantly. It seems hard to imagine waiting for a DVD to be sent...

Oct 9, 2023
Why words really do matter
“What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet.” On this occasion I am going to have to disagree...

Sep 29, 2023
Why a now and next board doesn't always help...
"Now and Next" boards can be both helpful and essential for some autistic children, but they can also cause stress and anxiety. The...

Oct 22, 2022
The difference between direct response and conversation
One thing that all autistic people find a challenge is communication. How these communication challenges present are dependent upon each...
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