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Welcome to the Autability blog where you can read all about the latest autism/ADHD themed issues on our minds! Check out our huge range of topics, ranging from a quick read to our longer more thought provoking articles. You can stay up to date and recieve a notification each time a new blog is published by filling in the subscriber form below.

Jan 5, 2024
"How are you?" Can be such a hard question to answer...
"How are you?" This is the worse question to answer when you are feeling anxious or depressed. As a person who has struggled with...

Dec 18, 2023
Verbal communication doesn't show a level of understanding
There is a preconceived view that autistic children are non verbal. I have concluded over the years that when people comment that a...

Dec 9, 2023
Why autistic people may not want help
Some autistic children can seem impossible to help. You can see your child struggling but any offer of help is disregarded or met with a...

Nov 23, 2023
Experiences don't always happen in the right order...
As parents we have pre- established expectations, whether or not we are aware of it, often before our children are ever born. It can be...

Nov 21, 2023
All things have their place where we love them
It's getting to the time of year where there are festive decorations and lights covering the streets. I have to admit I crave the visual...

Nov 13, 2023
When clear communication isn't as clear as you think
We often talk about the need for clear communication for autistic people. However, it is something that can be a massive challenge for...

Nov 7, 2023
Would you know if your child was in shutdown?
Would you know if your child is in shutdown? Shutdowns are often overlooked but are actually an indication that a person with autism has...

Nov 6, 2023
Why it's not always hard to make events accessible for autistic people
People often worry about how expensive or difficult it can be to make an event or performance accessible for autistic people. Yet most of...

Nov 1, 2023
How to help a child learn to cope with waiting.
Life is fast. We live in a culture which expects things to be done instantly. It seems hard to imagine waiting for a DVD to be sent...

Oct 27, 2023
The problem with hiding medicine in food.
I was reading a post recently on an autism parenting support group. A parent was trying to get their child to take medicine. They listed...

Oct 22, 2023
"Everyone is a little bit autistic"
"Everyone is somewhere on the spectrum or a little bit autistic" These are commonly voiced perceptions, but it is important to recognise...

Oct 18, 2023
"I do that too"
We always make clear the importance of acknowledging individual autistic profiles, however there is something reassuring for some...

Oct 13, 2023
What's it like when you can't take ADHD medication?
For some ADHD medications, there are currently international shortages. This has meant that whatever medication I have left in my...

Oct 9, 2023
Why words really do matter
“What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet.” On this occasion I am going to have to disagree...

Oct 2, 2023
Why a loud child may need calm and quiet to regulate
Most autistic people prefer calm environments. Low stimulation environments often enable better regulation. It can be very puzzling for...

Sep 29, 2023
Why a now and next board doesn't always help...
"Now and Next" boards can be both helpful and essential for some autistic children, but they can also cause stress and anxiety. The...

Sep 26, 2023
IQ vs Executive Functioning
Ever wondered why some highly intelligent individuals struggle with certain tasks? It's not just about IQ (Intelligence Quotient), but...

Sep 21, 2023
What does it feel like to be autistic?
"How does it feel to be autistic?" A strange question but one that I have been asked several times. Don’t get me wrong, I would always...

Sep 16, 2023
Time for university!
We focus a lot on the challenges of autistic children accessing school and college. As I discovered in May, all too quickly, your newborn...

Sep 13, 2023
Wetting the bed
Bedwetting, or to give it its full name, nocturnal enuresis, is a common issue for all children, regardless of whether they are...

Sep 10, 2023
Other reasons behind refusing to attend school...
Now schools are back in the UK after the long summer break, many families will be battling with actually getting their children to...
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