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What is ADHD?

ADHD, short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a widely recognized yet often misunderstood condition. Contrary to common misconceptions, it extends beyond a child's physical hyperactivity and cannot be solely attributed to discipline or parenting. ADHD involves persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can significantly disrupt daily life. Individuals with ADHD struggle with attention regulation, leading to various challenges in focusing, staying engaged in tasks, or managing their impulses.


ADHD is categorized as a neurodevelopmental condition, indicating that the brain functions differently compared to neurotypical individuals. It's essential to note that having ADHD doesn't imply brokenness; instead, it signifies a unique perspective on the world. When properly understood and supported, ADHD can be a remarkable gift.

A picture of the cover of Autability's ADHD ebook and text explaining how to sign up to the mailing list by clicking this picture and receive a free copy of the ebook
Text saying ADHD can look like, then 3 people, one bouncing on the bed, one looking confused and another exhausted
A person with ADHD jumping in the air enthusiastically

To receive an ADHD diagnosis, a person must exhibit persistent behaviours that hinder their daily life in diverse settings, such as home and school, as well as across various situations. Isolated episodes of hyperactivity are insufficient for an ADHD diagnosis, as they can result from various factors. The specific symptoms experienced depend on the subtype of ADHD, as there are three primary types:


1. Inattentive ADHD: Characterized by significant issues with attention but without prominent hyperactivity or impulsivity.


2. Hyperactive ADHD: Marked by substantial hyperactivity and impulsivity, with fewer problems related to inattention.


3. Combination Type ADHD: The most prevalent type, combining both inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms.



Hyperactive ADHD behaviors manifest as:


- Constant fidgeting, restlessness, or tapping fingers.

- Leaving seats when expected to remain seated, in school or work settings.

- Engaging in inappropriate physical activities like climbing furniture.

- Inability to play quietly or stay still for extended periods.

- Restlessness or an incessant need to be on the move.

- Excessive talking, vocalizing every thought.

- Impatience, interrupting conversations, and blurting out answers.

- Intruding on conversations or activities unrelated to them.


Inattentive ADHD behaviors include:


- Making careless mistakes in schoolwork or daily activities.

- Struggling to sustain attention during tasks, conversations, or extended reading.

- Appearing inattentive even when directly spoken to, with a wandering mind.

- Difficulty completing tasks or following instructions to the end.

- Poor organization skills, time management, and frequent missed deadlines.

- Frequently losing essential items like keys, wallets, or pens.

- Easily distracted by surroundings or unrelated thoughts.

- Forgetfulness in everyday activities, such as returning calls or keeping appointments.

Individuals with symptoms from both inattentive and hyperactive categories receive a combined ADHD diagnosis.


Understanding the nuances of ADHD subtypes and behaviours is crucial for effective support and management. If you suspect ADHD in yourself or a loved one, seek professional evaluation and guidance. With the right knowledge and assistance, individuals with ADHD can thrive and make unique contributions to the world.

Common ADHD Behaviours
Person with ADHD bouncing forward with lots of energy
Person with ADHD looking confused with question marks above their head
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